Two Robins
in JokesTwo robins were sitting in a tree. “I’m really hungry,” said the first one. “Let’s fly down and find some lunch.” They flew down to the ground and found a nice plot of newly plowed ground that was full of worms. They ate and ate and ate till they could eat no more. “I’m so…
Have You Ever Seen Moth Balls?
in JokesHave you ever seen Moth Balls? You have!!! How did you get their teeny, tiny and poor little legs apart? Ya fiend!
The Funny Cat
in JokesA boy named John was moving away somewhere far from his the home he is already in. But he couldn’t bring the loved kitten he found. So he decided to sneak it. He stuffed the cat in a cardboard box without any holes. Suddenly his mother came up. He quickly taped it shut and put…
Brown Legs and Trunk
in JokesQ: What is brown, has four legs, and a trunk? A: A mouse coming back from vacation.
Froggy Make A Funny
in JokesA guy was walking around town with a frog growing out of his head. Another man walks up to him and ask him, “What happened to you?” The frog answered, “Well, it started as a wart on my ass.”
The Fur Coat
in JokesBought the wife a hamster fur coat for her birthday, she was delighted with it. We went to the fair; took me 4 hours to get her off the big wheel!
Old Bubba
in JokesOld Bubba was fishing along the Bayou for catfish one day when he spots a water moccasin slithering across the water with a toad in its mouth. Being a longtime fisherman, he knows the best bait for large catfish are toads. In a flash, Bubba grabs the snake from behind and carefully removes the toad…
Two Angry Neighbors
in JokesTwo neighbors had been fighting each other for nigh on four decades. Bob buys a Great Dane and teaches it to use the bathroom in Bill’s yard. For one whole year Bill ignores the dog. So Bob then buys a cow and teaches it to use the bathroom in Bill’s yard. After about a year…
Joke 6
in JokesClinton returns from a vacation in Arkansas and walks down the steps of Air Force One with two pigs under his arms. At the bottom of the steps, the honor guardsman steps forward and remarks, “Nice pigs, Mr. President.” Clinton replies, “I’ll have to let you know that these are genuine Arkansas Razor Back Hogs.…
Alligators in Louisiana
in JokesDid you know… in Louisiana it is illegal to tie an alligator to a fire hydrant and leave it unattended? Really! It’s true!