
  • Blonde Boats

    Four blondes are shipwrecked on an island. They meet a wizard who is very bored and gives them each one wish. The first one is too stupid to listen to the wizard and she swims away and drowns. The second one says, “I wish I was 10 times as smart as I am now,” and…

  • Baby Elephants

    What do elephants have that nothing else has? Baby elephants!

  • Dead Baby Crying

    How do you shut up a crying baby? Finish the job.

  • Pigs For Sale

    A city slicker decided to buy himself a pig, so he drove to the country until he saw a sign that said “PIGS FOR SALE”. Turning into the driveway, he spotted the farmer, told him what he wanted, and they agreed on a price. They went to the barn where the farmer picked up a…

  • barnyard Poem

    The sky was dark The moon was high We were alone Just she and I Her hair was brown Her eyes were too I knew just what She wanted to do So with my courage I did my best And placed my hand Upon her breast I trembled and shook And felt her heart Slowly…

  • Dodging Cars

    There’s a man trying to cross the street. As he steps off the curb a car comes screaming around the corner and heads straight for him. The man walks faster, trying to hurry across the street, but the car changes lanes and is still coming at him. So the guy turns around to go back,…

  • Swine Flu! I

    How do you know if you have the swine flu? You wake up in pigtails and then break out in rashers!

  • Lookkool

    Can you decipher this phrase? lookkool Look both ways!

  • Dogs

    Dogs… …steal your food. …eat all of your tennis balls. …make you pick up their waste products. …take all of your covers. …eat out of the trash. …beg. …bark loudly at 1:00 in the morning. …drink out of the toilet, while it still has poo in it. …have accidents, on your floor. And you call…

  • Watch Out For that Snake

    What do snakes use for birth control? An Anacondom!

  • What Did YOU Do Today?

    Two maggots were playing billiards. One says, “I’m bored.” The other replies, “Beats fishing.”

  • The Farmer And His Pigs

    A farmer was worried that none of his pigs were getting pregnant. He called a vet and asked what he should do if he wanted more pigs. The vet told him he should try artificial insemination. The farmer, not wanting to appear stupid, answered okay and hung up the phone. Unclear on what the vet…