
  • Justin Boobie

    Justin Beiber doesn’t need mic to sing , no one needs mic for lip-syncing . Q: Why did the Chicken cross the Road? A:To get away from Justin Bieber!!! JUSTIN: mom i think i finally hit puberty MOM: really? how do u know? JUSTIN: I’m bleeding from my vagina. Stop making fun of him. Every…

  • Am I Dead

    Harry did like he always does, kissing his wife, crawling into bed and falling to sleep. All of a sudden, he wakes up with an elderly man dressed in a cowl standing in front of his bed. “What the hell are you doing in my bedroom? and who are you?” he asked. “This is not…

  • Who Wuz it Some Girl

    Q. What’s the difference between Bill and Monica. A. One can’t come clean and the other one can’t clean cum. Q. What’s Monica’s favorite instrument? A. She’s good at the piano, but she sucks at the organ! Q. How will everyone remember Bill Clinton in history? A. The President after Bush Q. What’s the new…

  • Game Warden

    A farmer and his friend were leaning on a fence chatting. Suddenly, the local Game Warden showed up and insisted on checking the farmer’s property and, in particular, a certain field. The farmer refused to allow him access to the field but the Warden insisted he had the right, saying, “I’m the Game Warden and…

  • Cats On The Phone

    What did the cat say to the other cat on the phone? Can you hear me-ow?

  • Nightmare Mice

    Mrs. Biddle was walking down the street one day carrying a small box with holes punched in the top. “What’s in that box?” Mrs. Riddle asked. “A cat,” Mrs. Biddle answered. “What for?” “I’ve been dreaming about mice at night, and I’m scared of mice. The cat is to catch them.” “But the mice you…

  • Randy the Rooster

    A farmer wanted to have his hens serviced, so he went to the market looking for a rooster. He was hoping he could get a special rooster – one that service all of his many hens. When he told this to the market vendor, the vendor replied, “I have just the rooster for you. Randy…

  • Adoptosaurus

    There was a quirky breed of dinosaur called an “Adoptosaurus”. Adoptosauruses laid eggs and often times forgot where they laid them or whose eggs were who’s. Basically, they “adopted” the eggs they found and claimed them as their own. Adoptosauruses didn’t eat meat because it wasn’t apart of their dino-religion. They thought eating meat made…

  • animal Marital Aides

    It’s a beautiful spring day and a man and his wife are at the zoo. She’s got on a close-fitting, lowcut, pink summer dress with spaghetti straps. As they walk thru the ape exhibit, and pass in front of a very large gorilla, the gorilla goes ape. He jumps up on the bars, he grunts,…

  • 10=D in a M

    10=D in a M 10 decimeters in a meter.

  • Roosters

    One day on a farm a farmer gets a new rooster and puts it in the hen house. The new rooster is talking to the old rooster and the old rooster says, “Just let me have 2 chickens and I’ll leave you alone.” The young rooster says, “No old man these are my chickens.” So…