10 Commandments of College
in JokesStudent was searching for divine inspiration. Student walked high on the mountain of knowledge and came across God. Student asked God how to live life as a college kid should. And God said unto him, follow these Ten Commandments and you shall be all a college kid is. And Student thanked God and it was…
Becoming a Real Man
in JokesThat’s right, in just six trimesters, you, too, can be a real man – as well as earn an MA degree (Male Arts). Please take a moment to look over the program outline. FIRST YEAR Autumn Schedule: MEN 101 Combating Stupidity MEN 102 You, Too, Can Do Housework MEN 103 PMS – Learn When to…
Texans…… Ayayayayay
in JokesTexan: “Where are you from?” Harvard graduate: “I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions.” Texan: “OK, where are you from, Jackass?”
Priorities of Life
in JokesA philosophy professor stood before his class with some items in front of him. When the class began, he picked up a very large, empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, approximately two inches in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full and they agreed that it was.…
The Lord is My Shepherd
in JokesThe Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not flunk; He keepeth me from lying down when I should be studying. He leadeth me beside the water cooler for a study break; He restoreth my faith in study guides. He leads me to better study habits For my grades sake. Yea, though I walk through the…
There IS Such a Thing As a Stupid Question
in JokesThere once was a college professor who didn’t buy into the whole “there’s no such thing as a stupid question” philosophy. Every year when he had a new class he instructed the students to ask him as many stupid questions as they could think of on the first day. That way, he figured, there’d be…
in JokesTeacher to student: “I just read the composition on ‘My House’ that you had submitted.” Student: “Yes, is there anything wrong?” Teacher: “No. It was excellent. It was exactly the same composition that your older brother submitted last year.” Student: “Well…we live in the same house…”
Fun Things to Do At School (NOT a Duplicate!)
in JokesI thought up ALL OF THEESE. I am NOT duplicating anyone (except for 15 and 14, from the American ‘Whose Line is it anyway?’) So if you want a good “Fun things” and you don’t want to keep seeing duplicates, read on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.When the math teacher asks you a question, purposely answer incorrectly. Persist.…
Infinity Omega
in JokesIf 1/(x-8) approaches â as x approaches 8 from above, then will 1/(x-3) approach Ï as x approaches 3 from above?
Professor’s Definition of a Kiss
in JokesProfessors of different subjects define the same word in different ways: Prof. of Computer Science: A kiss is a few bits of love compiled into a byte. Prof. of Algebra: A kiss is two divided by nothing. Prof. of Geometry: A kiss is the shortest distance between two straight lines. Prof. of Physics: A kiss…
How Does It Work?
in JokesAn Engineering Major says “How does it work?” A Science Major says “Why does it work?” An Accounting Major says “How much will it cost?” A Liberal Arts Major says “Do you want fries with that?”