Not Found in Webster’s
in JokesFlea: (noun) a small, wingless, bloodsucking parasite (see also) a. Brother-in-law b. lawyer c. politician
in JokesAct naturally Happily married Microsoft Works Holy war Found missing Resident alien Minor Catastrophe Affordable housing Near miss Great depression Canadian army Phone sex United nations Advanced BASIC Genuine imitation Death benefits Airline Food Women’s rights Good grief Same difference Almost exactly Sensitive man Government organization Everything except Civil War Good kid Sanitary landfill Alone…
I Want a Refill
in JokesA man walks into a restaurant, and asks the waiter: Man: Waiter, how much is a cup of coffee? Waiter: 50 cents, sir. Man: How much are refills? Waiter: They are free. Man: That’s nice, I’ll have a refill, please.
Yo Mama and Dady
in Jokesyo mama and daddy r so fat, half the world went to ur mom, the other to ur dad.
in JokesThere was a Polish man and an American on the street corner. The American man wanted to see if the Polish really were stupid. The Polish man replied, “No, you stupid American, we are not.” The American then puts his hand in front of a metal pole, and tells the Polish man, he’s sorry to…