
  • Hatch

    Knock-Knock Who’s There Hatch Hatch Who? God Bless You.

  • Esther Bunny

    Knock, knock. Who’s there? Esther. Esther who? The Esther Bunny. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Stella. Stella who? Stella nother Esther Bunny. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Samoa. Samoa who? Samoa Esther Bunnies. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Consumption. Consumption who? Consumption be done about all these Esther Bunnies? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Esther. Esther who? Esther anyone…

  • Who Who?

    Knock Knock! Who’s there? Who who. Who who who? Is there an owl in here?

  • Knock on the Door

    Knock Knock Who’s there? Doris Doris who? Door is shut thats why i knocked!

  • Knocking??

    Knock-Knock Why are you knocking? I’ve got a doorbell

  • Joe

    Knock-knock Who’s there? Joe Joe who? Jo mama

  • Swen

    Knock Knock. Who’s there? Swen. Swen who? Swen are you going let me in!?

  • Well…

    Knock-Knock Who’s There? Well Water Well Water Who? Well Water You Waiting For? Open The Door And Let Me IN!!!!!!

  • King…

    Knock,knock! Who’s there? King! King who? King Kong is now part of China.

  • Little Boy Blue

    Knock Knock! Who’s there? Little boy blue. Little Boy Blue who? Micheal Jackson!!!!!

  • Gulp, Gulp

    Knock knock? Who’s there? Oswald. Oswald who? Oswald(I swallowed) my gum!

  • Knock Knock

    Knock Knock Who’s there? Nunya! Nunya who? Nunya Damn Business!!