in JokesA market researcher called at a house and his knock was answered by a young woman with three small children running around her. He asked her if she minded replying to his questions and she agreed. He asked her if she knew his company, Cheeseborough Ponds. When she said no, he mentioned that among their…
Native American Wife
in JokesThe Indian chief introduced his wife to a newspaper reporter; “This is Three Horse.” “That’s a picturesque name,” said the reporter. “Does it have deep symbolism?” “Yes,” the chief replied. “Nag, nag, nag!”
50th Anniversery
in JokesWith a man soon to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary at the church’s marriage marathon, the minister asked Pete to take a few minutes and share some insight into how he managed to maintain his marriage with the same woman all these years. The husband replied to the audience, “Well, I treated her with respect,…
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Pregnant Woman Scorned
in Jokes(A man comes to my register with a mint chocolate candy bar.) Me: “Anything else?” Customer: “Can you break a $100 bill?” Me: “Actually, I can’t. We just opened and I haven’t gone to the bank today.” Customer: “Oh, no! Do you know anywhere I can get change? I need this candy right away!” (At…
If Men Were in Charge of Weddings
in JokesIf Men Were in Charge of Weddings There would be a “Rehearsal Kegger” rather than a “Rehearsal Dinner.” Bridesmaids would wear matching blue jean cut-offs and halter tops. They would have NO tan lines. The couple would leave the ceremony in a souped up ’73 Charger or some other Mopar with racing tires and flame…
You Don’t Get it
in JokesStalking into a police station late one night, a man demands to speak to the burglar who broke into his house. “Sorry, that’s against the law,” says the desk sergeant. “You don’t get it,” says the man. “I need to know how he got in without waking my wife.”
New Girlfriend
in JokesGetting a new girlfriend is like joining the Army. You get a new haircut and new clothes, and all information is given to you on a need-to-know basis.
Ten Things A Woman Will Never Say
in Jokes10. What do you mean “today’s our anniversary”? 9. Can we not talk to each other tonight? I’d rather just watch TV. 8. Ohh, this diamond is way too big! 7. And for our honeymoon we’re going fishing in Alaska! 6. Can our relationship get a little more physical? I’m tired of being “just friends”.…
Mariage Counsler
in JokesA couple whose marriage was going on the rocks sought the advice of a marriage counsellor. The counsellor pleaded with them to patch up their quarrel, but they were adamant. “So,” said the counsellor, “you know the consequences and you want to part. Remember this. You must divide your property equally.” The wife flared up.…