
  • Why Eve was Created

    Top Ten Reasons Eve Was Created 10. God was worried that Adam would frequently become lost in the garden because he would not ask for directions. 9. God knew that one day Adam would require someone to locate and hand him the remote. 8. God knew Adam would never go out and buy himself a…

  • We All Have Our Reasons

    Philip is telling his friends about his recent divorce. “Yes, it’s true. Sylvie divorced me for religious reasons. She worshipped money and I didn’t have any.”

  • Flowers

    Joe figured out a way to remember his wife’s birthday and their wedding anniversary. He opened an account with a florist and told him to send flowers to his wife on those dates, along with a note signed, “Your loving husband.” His wife was thrilled by the attention, and all was great until one anniversary.…

  • Bald Men!

    Why do bald men put holes in their pockets? So they can run their fingers through their hair!

  • Advice For The Night Out

    It’s the Spring of 1957 and Bobby goes to pick up his date, Peggy Sue. Bobby’s a pretty hip guy with his own car and a ducktail hairdo. When he goes to the front door, Peggy Sue’s father answers and invites him in. “Peggy Sue’s not ready yet, so why don’t you have a seat?”…

  • The Dog Is Loose!

    Honest to God true story. Wife (yelling from upstairs): Honey, I’m naked and the dog is loose in the front yard! Husband (downstairs): Hold on, I’ll be right up! She didn’t appreciate the humor.

  • Time Left to Live

    A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near death experience. Seeing God, she asked, “Is my time up? God said, “No, you have another 43 years, two months and eight days to live.” Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in…

  • All About Men

    Men are like ….. Laxatives ….. They irritate the shit out of you. Men are like … Bananas ….. The older they get, the less firm they are. Men are like … Vacations ….. They never seem to be long enough. Men are like … Weather ….. Nothing can be done to change them. Men…

  • Signs of Aging I

    Signs of Aging Everything hurts and what doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work. You feel like the morning after, and you haven’t been anywhere. Your little black book contains only names ending in M.D. You get winded playing chess. You’re still chasing women but can’t remember why. You look forward to a dull evening. Your favorite part…

  • Big Fat Penis

    You perverts..

  • Soldiers Salute

    One day a secretary noticed her boss’s fly was open. Not wanting to embarrass him, she whispers in his ear, “Your barracks are open, and your soldier is saluting at the gates.” The man, realizing what she means, decides to have some fun and says, “Do you see the colonel standing to attention?” She whispers…

  • Eight-year-old Sally…

    Eight year old Sally brought her report card home from school. Her marks were good, mostly A’s and a couple of B’s. However, her teacher had written across the bottom: “Sally is a smart little girl, but she has one fault. She talks too much in school. I have an idea I am going to…