
  • Immigration – Problem, or Not? II

    2. Australia Version A recent survey in Australia asked the following question: Are there too many foreigners in this country now? Answer: 18% said: YES 82% said: معهد الأمن العالمي بوا! شن

  • Short-circuit

    “Have you heard it? Brezhnev died!” / “What happened, heart attack?” / “No, short-circuit of eyebrows.”

  • Curved

    A west-german boy to a ddr-boy: Why is the banana curved? The ossie replies: Why, is this curved? (old Hungarian joke)

  • Dear Leonid Ilyich

    The phone rings, Brezhnev picks up the phone: “Hello, this is dear Leonid Ilyich…”.

  • Conservative Vs. Liberal

    This is seriously strange. If you vote, don’t vote because it offends you, just view it as sarcastic. If this being sarcastic offends you, view it as serious. I refuse to tell which way I think about it. If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one. If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he…

  • Three Wishes

    One day, a Democrat was on vacation. He was walking along the beach, when he hit his toe on a hard object, and looking down, he saw a small, shiny golden lamp sticking out of the sand. Excited, he grabbed the lamp, and rubbed its side. A genie appeared from the lamp and said, “Thank…

  • The President and the Cat

    Did you hear the one about when the Great Recession began? The President appointed a cat to chair the Federal Reserve. Do you know why? Because when a cat falls, it always lands on its feet.

  • The Top 5 Dick Cheney Huntin’ Songs (Part I)

    Got to Get You Into My Sights I Put a Shell in You You’ve Shot a Friend Huntin’, Shootin’, Drinkin’ Dude Looked Like a Birdie

  • Asking the Wizard of Oz

    President Bush, Dan Quayle, Ross Perot, and Bill Clinton all traveled together to see the Wizard of Oz. Upon arrival, they were brought to see him. First, President Bush went to see the Wizard and said, “Everyone says I have no compassion or feelings, I wish to have a Heart,” so the Wizard said, “So…

  • Bill & Hillary..

    Bill & Hillary Clinton were sleeping at the White House. Hillary wakes up and starts shaking Bill to wake him up. “Bill, Bill wake up.” Bill continues sleeping. Hillary shouts, “Bill, Bill wake up.” Bill finally wakes up and says, “What do you want?” Hillary responds, “I have to go use the bathroom.” Bill says,…

  • Yes We Can -1

    “Now, I know Obama was trying to take the long view, but talking about solar energy in the middle of the oil spill is like watching your house engulfed in flames and saying, ‘We really should change the curtains.’” —Craig Ferguson “At a stop in Buffalo today, a woman walks up to President Obama and…

  • Fritzchen II

    The teacher asks: “Fritzchen, why are you always speaking of our Soviet brothers? It’s ‘Soviet friends’.” Fritz responds: “Well, you can pick your friends.”