Pancake Landing
in JokesOn April Fools Day, a mother put a fire cracker under the pancakes. She blew her stack.
Raising the bar
in JokesI hear some rich guy wants to build a tavern at the top of Mount Everest. Talk about raising the bar high!
Inside, Outside
in JokesIf there is H2O on the inside of a fire hydrant, what is on the outside? K9P.
Naughty Rabbit
in JokesA woman walks into a vet’s waiting room. She’s dragging a wet rabbit on a leash. The rabbit does NOT want to be there. “Sit, Fluffy,” she says. Fluffy glares at her, sopping wet, jumps up on another customer’s lap, getting water all over him. “I said ‘SIT’! Now there’s a good Fluffy,” says the…
Royal Flush
in JokesQueen Elizabeth and Dolly Parton die on the same day, and they both go before the angel to find out if they’ll be admitted to heaven. Unfortunately, there’s only one space left that day, so the angel must decide which of them gets in. The angel asks Dolly if there’s some particular reason why she…
Empire State Building
in JokesWhat happened when Ray Johnson fell off the Empire State Building? Now everyone calls him x-ray.