10 Funny Blond Jokes

#1: When her teacher said to write an essay, she brought in a sheet of paper saying “An Essay.”

#2: When she caught on fire nearby a lake, she called the fire department.

#3: She drank a bottle of root beer and said, “This doesn’t taste like beer, or roots.”

#4: She gave 200 dollars to a cashier for a small bag of chips and said, “Keep the change.”

#5: When she heard that 1 of the 3-porta potties, each next to each other, was out of order, she walked 10 miles to the ocean.

#6: When she saw an old person she said, “At least I’m young.”

#7: When she was suing someone, she thought that she was killing herself because she was on the counter sues side.

#8: When she realized someone in weaponry shed was attacking her, she called the police.

#9: When she was dying her hair, she thought she would be bald and her hair would be on the floor without a pulse.

#10: When she told this whole entire joke to her son, she realized she had low self-esteem.