Showing off for easy money

In a train compartment, there are 3 men and a ravishing lady. Conversation broke out and turned erotic. The lady proposed, “If each of you would give me $1, I would show you my legs.” The men, charmed by her beauty, handed over the money. The lady pulled her dress up a little to show her legs.

She followed, “If each of you would give me $10, I would show you my thighs.” Driven by lust, the men forked out the money and the lady pulled up her dress more to show her thighs.

The men, getting excited, pulled off their coats. The lady then said, “If each of you would give me $100, I would show you where I had my appendicitis operated on.” The men, being men, naturally surrendered their money for more. The lady turned to the window and pointed at a hospital, “There!”