Little Johnny’s mother took her 6-year-old son with her to the bank.
They were in line behind a rather obese lady. As the mother patiently waited, Little Johnny looked at the women in front of him and observed loudly, “Hey, Mom, she’s really fat.”
The lady looked at Johnny, made eye contact with his mother and gave an understanding smile. Little’ Johnny received a reprimand.
After a minute or two, Little Johnny spread his hands as far as they will go and loudly said, “I bet her butt is ‘that’ wide.”
At this the lady glared at Johnny. His embarrassed mother severely scolds her son.
Again after a couple of minutes Little Johnny stated loudly, “Look how the fat hangs over her belt.”
The lady turned and told Johnny’s mother to control her child and his mother threatened him with severe bodily harm.
The lady’s pager begins to go off.
Lil’ Johnny yelled in a panic at the top of his voice, “Run for your life, she’s backing up”