Unpleasant Birthday

A man woke up on his birthday and went downstairs expecting his wife to say “Happy Birthday” and to give him a nice breakfast. He found that his wife wasn’t home and that no breakfast was made. He got a little upset as he drove his kid to school. The whole trip to school was silent. The man got more upset that nojoke had remembered his birthday. After he dropped his kid off, he went to work. At work he was greeted by a friendly female co-worker. She said “Happy Birthday” to him and it made him smile. He told her that nojoke had remembered his birthday so she suggested that the two of them go out to eat together to brighten him up. They sat down and ate at a nice resturaunt and afterwards she suggested that they go to her place. The man agreed and when they got there she told him that she was going to slip into something a little more comfortable. A few minutes later she came out of her room dressed exactly the same and she was followed by the man’s wife and friends all saying surprise. The man was sitting there, naked, on the couch…