Three Men in A Plane

There are three men a plane; an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman.
When each of them flew over their country they dropped an item.
When the plane flew over England, the Englishman dropped a rose; when the plane flew over Scotland, the Scotsman dropped a thistle, and finally, when the plane flew over Ireland, the Irishman dropped a bomb.(Yes, Irishmen are crazy!)
They then flew over all the countries again, but passing by where they dropped the items.
In England the rose had dropped in a bus station and a woman was weeping.
They asked, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said in reply, “Well, the Lord sent me a rose but I’m allergic to them.”
Next, they journeyed over to Scotland. In Scotland also the thistle had dropped in a bus station.
In the station a man was screaming and yelling. They asked the man, “Man, why are you yelling?” He answered, “Well, a thistle fell from the sky, but it landed in my eye!”
Finally they went over to the mystic place called Ireland. The bomb had also landed in a bus station. They go in and a little boy is laughing.
They ask him, “Boy, why are you laughing?”

He said in between giggles, “I farted and the guy behind me blew up.”