No Money To Waste

Bubba finally agreed to take his wife, Sue Ellen, to a play. They had hardly sat down when he jumped up and said “Sue Ellen, we gotta go!”

With Sue Ellen in tow, Bubba stomped out to the foyer, demanded his money back, and they left the theater.

When they got out onto the sidewalk, Sue Ellen said, “Now you tell me what’s wrong, Bubba Leroy, and you tell me right now, or I ain’t goin’ another step.”

Bubba said, “Sue Ellen, I ain’t no fool and I’m an only child. We done paid $20 of egg money for this here play and I heard somejoke say that the second act was 10 years later! We ain’t got that kinda money to be wastin’ on play actin’ when we ain’t even sure where we gonna be in 10 years.”