Cat and Mouse

One day, a cat dies and goes to heaven. God meets him at the gate and says,”You’ve been a good cat all of your life, anything you want is yours.” The cat says”Well, I lived with a poor family and had to sleep on a hard wood floor.” Instantly, a fluffy pillow appears. The cat hops onto it and falls asleep.

A week later, five mice die and go to heaven as well. God meets them at the gate and makes them the same offer. They reply “All of our life, we’ve been chased by cats, dogs, and women with brooms. If only we didn’t have to run anymore….” They are each fitted with a custom pair of roller skates.

A month later, God decides to check up on the cat. He asks “How are you doing? Are you happy?” Kitty answers ” Life here is SUPER! Oh, and by the way, those meals on wheels you’ve been sending over are the best!”