Difference of “sucks”

An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 15 kg. pack on his back, 5 kg. weapon in hand, after having marched 15 km, and says, “This sucks.”

An Army Airborne Ranger stands waist deep in the rain with a 25 kg. pack on his back, weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 30 km, and says with a smile, “This sucks just fine!”

A Special Forces soldier lies in the mud, 40 kg pack on his back, weapon in hand, after swimming 10 km to shore, crawling through a swamp and marching 40 km at night past the enemy positions, says with a grin, while biting the head of a snake “This really sucks, I wish it could suck more…..”

An Air Force Pilot flying over the battlefield, the rain is pouring down,
looks down at the soldiers below and says: “Sure sucks down there!”

An Air Force officer sits in an easy chair in his air conditioned, carpeted room and says to his friend, “Man.. Cable’s out! This sucks!