WARNING: if your answer “yes” to any of these questions then you know that you are weird and you believe too much in dragons.
Ocasionally when you see a bird do you find yourself saying “O merlin hand me my mighty sword so I can slay this foul dragon”?
Do you find yourself trying to rob a bank with a bow and arrow?
Do you have any “magic staffs” lying around?
Do you search for dragon eggs for at least 1 hour every day?
Do you refer to your car as your “trusty steed”?
Do your think your phone is a magical scrying device?
When you call the cops, do you call them the saviors?
Have you ever seen yourself writing in an ancient language(A.K.A. gibberish.)?
When you kill something or when your refering to something dead do you call it “slain”?
Whenever someone turns off the light do you scream “ahh magic, run and fear from the evil witch!”?