Just a Dog

A business man was driving along when he spotted a hippie thumbing for a ride. He stopped to pick him up. The hippie sat in the front of the car, bopping and snapping his fingers to some beat in his head.

The business man approached a stop sign and couldn’t see clearly to his right, so he asked the hippie if there was anything coming from the right.

“Just a dog, man..just a dog”

So the business man pulled out and CRASH!!

A few days later the business man woke up in a hospital with his arms and legs hung in traction. He looked over and saw the hippie in the bed next to him, his arms and legs also suspended in traction – still bopping and snapping his fingers to some beat in his head.

The business man asked, “Hey, I thought you said there was just a dog coming from the right!?”

Said the hippie, still snapping his fingers in rhythm, “Yeah man, like Greyhound! man…”