Some items have the strangest directions/ warnings. Here are a few I’ve noticed.
On a toilet plunger: Do not use as an umbrella.
On a carton of milk: May contain dairy products.
On a tricycle: Will hurt if on top of someone.
On popcorn: Will pop if heated.
On candy: Directions: Take of wrapper, insert into mouth, chew, and swallow. (No, really?)
On bean bags used for juggling: Do not eat.
On lunchmeat: Do not mistake as toilet paper.
On Gameboy: To play,you must have a thumb.
After computer error: Keyboard malfunction, press enter to continue.
On coke bottle: Do not try to insert head.
On skateboard: May move if rode on.
On shampoo bottle: Warning: May create a lather.
Roadsign: Warning: Unfinished bridge 3 miles.
*3 miles later* We told you there was an unfinished bridge!