
  • A Mushroom

    A mushroom walks into a bar and asks for a beer. The bartender, not wanting to serve a mushroom, says “Uh uh, I’m not serving no mushroom.” “Aw, come on – I’m a fungi!” the mushroom replies.

  • Upon Reflection . . .

    They sat in the comer of Mulligan’s refurbished bar, opposite a huge new floor-to-ceiling mirror. Suddenly Pat spotted their reflection across the room. “Mick! Mick!” he whispered. “Don’t look now, but there’s two fellas over there that’s the image of us!” “In the name of God,” said Mick, spotting the reflection, “and they’re wearing identical…

  • Give Me a Beer

    A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before problems start!” Again, the man orders a beer again saying, “Give me a beer before problems start!” The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man, “When…

  • A man walks out of a bar totally hammered…

    A man walks out of a bar totally hammered, only to be greeted by a snobby woman. She takes one look at him. “You, sir, are drunk!” “And you ma’am, are ugly. But when I wake up, I will be sober!”

  • Gimma a Beer

    A girl walks into a bar and sits down with her friend. She is feeling down, so she talks to her friend. Her friend says “Go get a beer.” She says she didn’t want one. Then the friend says “Hey, who said it was for you?” copyright fox corp.

  • Reindeer at a bar

    One evening, in a busy lounge in the deep south, a reindeer walked in the door, bellied up to the bar, and ordered a martini. Without batting an eye, the bartender mixed and poured the drink, set it in front of the reindeer, and accepted the twenty-dollar bill from the reindeer’s hoof. As he handed…

  • Dog Bite

    A man walks into a pub and sits down next to a man with a dog at his feet. “Does your dog bite?” “No.” A few minutes later the dog takes a huge chunk out of his leg. “I thought you said your dog didn’t bite!” the man says indignantly. “That’s not my dog.”

  • Taxidermy

    A man walks into a bar down in Alabama and orders a beer. The whole bar is looking at the man curiously as he sits down. The bartender looks at his nice suit and tie and asks him if he’s from around here. The man replies, “No sir, I’m from Pennslyvania.” The bartender asks the…

  • DUCK!

    There were three men at a bar. One of them ducked and the other two fell down because they hit the bar.

  • The Good Samaritan

    A Good Samaritan was walking home late one night when he came upon this drunk on the sidewalk. Wanting to help, he asked the drunk, “Do you live here?” “Yep,” replied the drunk. “Would you like me to help you upstairs?” And again the drunk replied, “yep.” When they got up on the second floor,…

  • bar Prayer

    Our lager, Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink. Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as it is in the tavern. Give us this day our foamy head, And forgive us our spillages, As we forgive those who spill against us. And lead us not to incarceration, But deliver us…

  • Do You Have Any Corn?

    One day a man walks into a bar and asks the bartender, “Do you have any corn?” and the bartender says, “No, we only sell beer.” The next day the man walks into the bar again and asks for corn but this time the bartender says, “Hey, you are the guy that asked for corn…