The Tape…
in JokesA blonde decides to do something wild she hasn’t done before, so she sets out to rent her first x-rated adult video. She goes to the video store and, after looking around for a while, selects a title that sounds very stimulating. When she arrives home, lights some candles, slips into something comfortable, and puts…
No First Class
in JokesA blonde boards a flight going to New York and sits in first class. A flight attendant asks to see her ticket. It’s a coach ticket. The flight attendant politely asks her to move. “I can do what eva I want! I’m a blonde.” says the blonde. The flight attendant tells one of the other…
What Do Railroad Tracks…
in JokesWhat do railroad tracks and blondes have in common? They are both laid all over America!
Blond Snowman
in JokesWhy is it so hard to make a blond snowman??? Because you have to hollow out its head!!!!!
The Seven-Ten Cap
in JokesA blonde lady goes into an auto parts store and asks for a seven-ten cap. All the clerks look at each other, and one says, “What’s a seven-ten cap?” She says, “You know, it’s right on the engine. Mine got lost and some how and I need a new one.” “What kind of a car…
Blonde and a Mosquito
in JokesQ: Whats the difference between a blonde and a mosquito? A: A mosquito will stop sucking when you smack it!
in JokesOne day a blonde named Sharon was sitting at her till at the supermarket. Suddenly, she had an idea that would change the world forever. She had invented mind-mail! She called over her boss and told him. He was astonished and said, “Go on then, send me a mail through your mind!” She did as…
How to Tell When a Blonde is Having a Bad Day…
in JokesHow can you tell when a blonde is having a bad day? She has her tampon behind her ear and she cant find her pencil!
Going Nuts
in JokesA blonde goes to the store and gets a box of almonds. As she is allergic to nuts, she asks a clerk at the counter, “Does this contain nut ingredients?”
Blonde Driving
in JokesQ: How can you tell when a blonde has been driving your car? A: There is lipstick on the steering wheel from her blowing the horn.