
  • Lights

    How many blondes does it takes to screw in a lightbulb? three: one to unscrew it one to buy a new lightbulb one to call her boyfriend to screw it back in.

  • Pepsi Cap

    Q: Why did the blonde keep taking off and putting the Pepsi bottle cap back on? A: Because it said, ”Sorry, try again.”

  • The Best Blonde Jokes

    Q: Why do blondes insist on guys wearing condoms? A: So they’ll have a doggie bag for later. Q: What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant? A: “Are you sure it’s mine?” Q: What’s the difference between a blonde and a walrus? A: One has whiskers and fishy flaps, the…

  • 3 blondes in the forest

    There were three blondes in the forest and they saw some tracks. The first blonde said, “Look, bear tracks.” The second blonde said, “No, stupid, those are wolf tracks.” The third blonde said, “You’re both wrong, those are rabbit tracks.” Then the train came and ran them all over.

  • Milk Drinking Blond

    Q: How did the blonde die drinking milk? A: The cow fell on her.

  • Mis Communication

    One day a blonde and her brunette friend were listening to music together. The brunette had a few songs the blonde loved and so the brunette offered to burn a CD for her friend. “No, no,” the blonde said, “I can burn my own CD” so the brunette lent the blonde the CD and they…

  • The Blonde Cheer

    What’s the blonde cheer? I’m blonde, I’m blonde,I’m B.L.O.N…..uh,oh well…I’m blonde, I’m blonde,I’m… yeah, yeah,yeah…

  • Earrings

    Why do blondes wear big hoop earrings when they go on a date? So they have some place to put their feet.

  • New Computerized Car

    A blonde bought a new car that has a computer which can fix the car when anything happens. So she went and blew the engine and the computer said, “In the name of the manufacturer, get fixed,” and it was fixed. Then she broke the window and the computer said, “In the name of the…

  • Out for Coffee

    A blonde was recently hired at an office. Her first task was to go out for coffee. Eager to do well her first day on the job, she grabbed a large thermos and hurried to a nearby coffee shop. She held up the thermos and the coffee shop worker quickly came over to take her…

  • Birdy

    2 blondes are walking in the park and the 1st blonde says, “LOOK! Dead bird!” The 2nd blonde looks up into the sky and yells “Where?!”

  • Birthday

    It was a blond’s birthday, and to celebrate, he took his girlfriend out on a date; he dressed very nicely, in a tuxedo, sharp tie, and some nice soft pants. He went to his girlfriend, and said, “Do you have anything to say to me?” His girlfriend also a blonde, says, “Yeah, what up with…