The Never Liar
in JokesThere was a boy who never, ever lied. He always told people the truth and/or his opinion. Like when he broke a glass vase, he said that he broke it. He was rewarded a few days later for telling the truth, even though he was grounded. One day a lady asked him, “What do you…
Four Girls
in JokesFour girls were playing a game of tag. All of them had really long names that were hard to say, so one person thought of the idea of giving themselves nicknames. One suggested thinking of funny names, so the really tall girl was named ‘Shorty’. The really thin girl was named ‘fatty’. The next girl…
in JokesA black female is having trouble with her menses. She goes to the gynecologist and he asks: “Mrs. Williams, what kind of flow do you have?” “Linoleum” she replies.
Tiger Woods
in JokesWhat is the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Claus? Santa only has three Ho’s.
Diaoyu Islands
in JokesWhy did the Japanese steal the Diaoyu Islands? Because they don’t have enough room for their funny farms!