Tank Song

Into town I drove my tank,
I was gonna rob a bank.
My money was running really low,
As I got near I shouted “bank ho!”

Drove a hole right through the wall,
Found I was in a shoppin’ mall.
I ‘poligized’n left through the hole.
I was definitely not on a roll.

I snuck a look at my GPS™
Blew up a truck labeled HESS™.
Then I proceeded towards the bank;
Oh how dearly I love my tank.

Headed towards the Eastern wall,
Ran a kid over, like a doll.
With a push and a heave, the wall broke.
The button “fire” I got ready to poke.

Oh so fun to rob a bank;
‘cept my hair was pretty lank.
Wouldn’t believe how hot it was there,
Humidity is bad for your hair.

Shot down the security,
Their defense was very measly.
Then I headed towards the main vault,
Abruptly my tank came to a halt.

“Out of gas!” I exclaimed.
Hopped out but a guard I had maimed,
He took out a big gun and shot at me.
“Ow!” I yelled, he laughed “tee hee hee hee.”

Then the guard raised the alarm.
Guards came before I could harm,
That slug who had blown my secrecy,
Gee, isn’t this utter ludicrousy?

Now I’ve told you my story;
Just brimming with blood and glory.
Sadly I never got any money;
You’re sadistic if you find this funny.