A man goes into a pet shop looking for an exotic pet. The owner tells the man, “we have iguanas…”. The Man says, “No, I am looking for something really different. Everyone has iguanas, snakes, fish, and spiders!” The owner of the shop then tells the man that he has a talking centipede. The man gets excited; and says, “I’ll take it!”
On the way home, the man tries to make small talk with the centipede; but he gets no response. He just figures the thing is shy. Once they get home, the man has an idea; and asks the centipede if he wants to go to the bar with him. No response. He gets agitated and taps the centipede’s box pretty hard. “I said; Do you want to go to the bar with me?!?!”
After a couple of seconds, the centipede yells, “Hold on! I’m putting my fucking shoes on!!!”
The Centipede
in Jokes
See more: animal