The Famers Daughter

The was a man named Jimmy who was on a job interview in another state that he didn’t know very well. While he was driving he became very tired. Noticing there were no hotels in sight, he pulled over in the driveway and knocked on the door. A old man in his 60s greeted him.

“Hi, Im sorry to disturb you, but I am very tired. May I sleep here just for tonight?” Jimmy asked.

The old man cleared his thoat and said,”Well, I don’t have any more rooms available, but you can sleep with my daughter if you don’t disturb her.”

Jimmy nodded his head and agreed, and the old man showed him the room. “See you in the morning,” said the old man.

Jimmy stripped his clothes off and got into the bed. He fell asleep right away. The only problem was he keep waking up when he touched the farmers daughter.

Morning finally came around and he went downstairs. The old man was at the stove cooking some breakfast.

“Your daughter was really cold last night and it’s really weird how she doesn’t toss and turn, even when a stranger is in her bed,” Jimmy said.

” Well, what did you expect? We’re going to bury her today.”