The Hokey Pokey – Shakespearean Style

Original Lyric

Put your left foot in,
Your left foot out,
Your left foot in,
And shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey,
And turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about.

Shakespearean Style.

O proud left foot, that ventures quick within,
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.
Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke;
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from heaven’s yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.
The Hoke, the poke – banish now thy doubt.
Verily, I say, ’tis what it’s all about.