A very lonely old lady buys a parrot from a pet store, complete with cage. Before the purchase, she is given a guarantee that the bird will talk. Ten days later, she returns to the store, very disappointed.
“The parrot doesn’t talk.”
“Did you buy a mirror?”
“Every parrot needs a mirror.”
So she buys a mirror and installs it in the cage.
Another ten days, and she’s back at the pet shop.
“The parrot still doesn’t talk.”
“Did you buy a ladder?”
“Every parrot needs a ladder.”
So she buys a ladder and installs it in the cage.
Guess what? Ten days later, she’s back in the shop.
“The parrot still doesn’t talk!”
“Did you buy a swing?”
“Every parrot needs a swing.”
So she buys a swing and installs it in the cage.
You know, don’t you – ten days later, she’s back in the shop, and she’s mad!
The store owner says, “Well, does the parrot talk now?”
“No, he died.”
“Oh, that’s terrible. Did he not ever talk, then?”
“He talked, all right!”
“What did he say?”
“He said, ‘Don’t they sell any food down at that shop?’”
The Parrot MkXXIII
in Jokes
See more: animal