The World of Men and Women

Q: Why did the rooster cross the road?
A: He heard the chicken was a slut.

Q: Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and good-looking?
A: They already have boyfriends.

Q: Why is it that an archaeologist is the best man to have as a husband?
A: The older you get the more he is interested in you.

Q: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?
A: A widow!

Q: Why are blond jokes so short?
A: So men can remember them.
Man: I don’t know why you wear a bra. You’ve got nothing to put in it.
Woman: You wear a pants, don’t you?

Man: God, why did you make my girlfriend so beautiful and caring?”
God: So you would love her.
Man: But God, why did you make her so stupid?”
God: So she would love you!