When in Heaven

A man arrives at the pearly gates of heaven. St. Peter tells him that he will remain frozen until his whole family is there. That way, it would stop him from doing anything NOT with his family.

So, a couple years pass, and his wife appeared in heaven. She had died of age. She was frozen along with her spouse.

One more year passes, and one of their two kids arrive. He had died because he was shot. He was frozen along with them.

They all watch many more people enter heaven. They suddenly saw the milkman enter heaven. He did NOT have any family; he was adopted. But for some reason, he was frozen along with them.

The woman and the milkman’s eyes each grew very big.

Finally, the last kid died of age MANY years later, and the woman, the angry husband, the milkman, and the 2 kids all were released from being frozen to go to heaven.